07.09.2019 Judge: Momčilo Milič (Montenegro) Vesnoi Polikushka – open class, exc/1, LV CAC, BB-1, BOS Belye Volki Velund – veteran class, exc/1, LV Vet CAC, BM-4
National dog show in Plunge, Lithuania
14.07.19 Judge: Laima Eidukiene (Latvia) Vesnoi Polikushka – open class, exc/1, CQ, BB-1, LT CAC, BOB
National dog show “Ogre Winner”, Latvia
13.07.19 Judge: Jean-Louis Grunheid (France) Arkan at Wild Pansy Elegant Amber – open class, exc/1, BM-2, LV CAC Vesnoi Polikushka – open class, exc/2,CQ, BB-4
National dog show in Imavere, Estonia
30.06.19 Judge: Iraida Pirogova (Russia) Vesnoi Polikushka – open class, exc/1, BB-2, EE CAC
National dog show in Luige, Estonia
16.06.19 Judge: Livija Zizevske (Lithuania) Arkan at Wild Pansy Elegant Amber – open class, exc/1, EE CAC, BM-1, BOS
Sighthoundshow in Kleindöttingen, Switzerland
15.06.2019 Judge: Lyudmilla Panteleeva (Russia) 36 boizois entered Wild Pansy Agata – open class, exc/2, res-CAC Wild Pansy Alfea – open class, exc/4 Photos by Barbara Wickli
Speciality show for Sighthounds in Riga, Latvia
11.05.2019 We’d proud to present great results from spring Speciality Show (CAC) for Sighthounds. Judge: Arnaldo Cotugno (Italy) Velund`s daughter, Aronija Elegant Amber – champion class , exc/1, CQ, BB-1, Best of breed!
National dog show in Tallinn, Estonia
23.03.19 Judge: Olga Sinko – Kuprianova (Slovenia) Belye Volki Velund – veteran class, exc/1, EE Vet CAC, BM-2, Vet BOS
International dog shows in Riga, Latvia
23.03.19 Daromir`s childrens had great results! Judge: David R.Miller (USA) Svirel’ iz Severnoi Ohoty, 10 month – Ex-1, LV JCAC, BOBJ, BB-3 Germes iz Severnoi Ohoty, 2 years – Ex-1,CQ, CW, BM-3 24.03.19 Judge: Galina Kalinichenko (Ukraina) Svirel’ iz Severnoi Ohoty – Ex-1, LV JCAC, BOBJ Germes iz Severnoi Ohoty – Ex-1,CQ, CW, BM-4
Two shows in Saint-Petersburg, Russia
16.03.19 Germes iz Severnoi Ohoty (Belye Volki Daromir × Valkiriya iz Severnoi Ohoty) * IDS “Baltic Triumph” Judge Dorota Witkowska (Poland) – Ex-1, CQ, CAC, BM, CACIB, CH RKF, BOB!!! * Club show Judge Csaba Zsolt Lokodi (Romania) – Ex-1,CQ, BM-2