Daromir`s daughter, Gloria iz Severnoi Ohoty, has great results! 5.8.17 Finnish Sighthound Speciality show 2017 judge Mr. Christian Magre, France Puppy class: VP1, BOB Puppy 6.8.17 The Finnish Borzoi Club Speciality show 2017 Honorable judge Mr. Yves-Emmanuel Vilanova, France Puppy class: VP1, Best female puppy (7-9m), BIS-1 Puppy! Congratulations to breeder Anastasia and owner Mia ! Photos by Milla Toivanen
Russian Sighthound Championship 2017 in St.Petersburg, Russia
Daromir`s son – Germes iz Severnoi Ohoty – Best Baby on the Russian Sighthound Winner show! Judged byRoberto Farsoni (Italy), Congratulations Anastasia !!! Photo by Kate Grishakova Photography.
International Dog Show “Estonian Winner 2017” in Tallinn, Estonia
04.06.17 Judge: György Tesics (Hungary) Senavian Iris – workinng class, exc/1, CQ Arkan Elegant Amber – intermadiate class, vg Photos by Ede Eerits
Show for Sections 6 and 7 from Group V and Group X in Tallinn, Estonia
03.06.17 Judge: Gven Ford (Australia) Arkan at Wild Pansy Elegant Amber – intermediate class, vg Wild Pansy Asteria – working class, vg
International dog show “Royal Canin show 2017” in Helsinki, Finland
20.05.17 Judge: Berri Beare (Ireland) 30 entries (12 + 18) Senavian Iris – open class, exc/ 1, BB – 2, res-CACIB
Speciality Show for Hunting Breeds in Särevere, Estonia
13.05.17 Judge: Rita Kadike-Skadina (Latvia) Arkan at Wild Pansy Elegant Amber – junior class, exc/2
International dog shows in Maribor and Pohorje, Slovenia
We have two Slovenian Chamipons! 15.04.17 Judge: Željka Fon Zidar (Slovenia) Belye Volki Demetra – workindg class , exc/1, SI CAC, BB – 2, res-CACIB Belye Volki Velund – working class, exc/1 16.04.17 Judge: Geir Fryckt-Pedersen ( USA) Belye Volki Velund – working class, exc/1, SI CAC Belye Volki Demetra – workindg class , exc/1
International dog show “Tallinn Winner 2017”, Estonia
09.04.17 Judge: Elizabeth Gonzales (Gibraltar) Arkan at Wild Pansy Elegant Amber – junior class, exc/1, EE JCAC, JBOS, BM-4
International dog show (Cruft’s qualification) in Riga, Latvia
18.03.17 Velund’s daughter – ALana Alegant Amber got her first CACIB ! Judged by Massimo Inzoli (Italy), Congratulations Julija !!! Photos by Juris Maurans
International dog shows in Vilnius, Lithuania
04.03.17 „Lithuanian Winner`17“ Judge: Karl Reisinger (Austria) Senavian Iris – open class, exc/1, LT CAC, BB-2, res-CACIB 05.03.17 „Vilnius Cup´17“ Judge: Markku Mähonen (Finland) Senavian Iris – open class, exc/1, LT CAC, BB-3