23.CACIL coursing Dolsko 2024, Slovenia

23.03.24 Judges: Andreja Novak, Boštjan Kogovšek (Slovenia), Eva Bodo (Hungary) Wild Pansy Charodeika – 460 poits, 4/6 Wild Panst Charun – 485 points, 1/1, BOS borzoi Thanks a lot for the pictures Ivan Tavčar

International dog shows in Slovenia

21.03.24 CACIB Miren Judge: Rachlin Doron (Israel) Wild Pansy Charodeika – working clss – exc/1, CQ, SI CAC 22.03.24 CAC Komen Judge: Lokodi Csaba Zsolt (Romania) Wild Pansy Charodeika – working class – ecx/1, CQ, SI CAC Wild Pansy Charun – open class – exc/1, CQ, SI CAC

International Lure Coursing Competition in Rifferswil, Switzerland

10.03.24 Judges: Massimi Bottura (Italy), Maja Cosic (Croatia), Lisa Tienkamp (The Netherlands), Alexandra Bieri (Switzerland) Wild Pansy Chudesna 1/8, 530 points (263 + 267), CACL, CACIL Wild Pansy Chervona 4/8, 522 points ( 262 + 263)

National dog shows in Pärnu, Estonia

06.01.2024 Judge: Dina Korna (Estonia) Valeska Fun`N´Fansy – intermediate class, exc/1, CQ, EE CAC 07.01.2024 Judge: Ligita Zake (Latvia) Valeska Fun`N´Fansy – intermediate class, exc/1

Trio CACIB Praha, Czech Republic

09.12.23 Judge: Tomasz Slawik (Poland) Senavian Almaz – champion class, exc/2, CQ, res-CAC 10.12.23 Judge: Antonin Mudra (Czech Republic) Semavian Almaz – champion class, exc/1, CQ, CZ CAC

“St.Nicolaus Cup” Nitra, Slovakia

08.12.23 Judge: Mariano Di Chicco (Italy) Senavian Almaz – champion class, exc/2, res-CAC, res-CACIB 07.12.23 Judge: Dalibor Smekal (Czech Republic) Senavian Almaz – open class – vg/1

National dog shows in Narva, Estonia

25.11.23 Judge: Margineanu Calin (Romania) Valeska Fun`N`Fancy – intermediate class – exc/1 26.11.23 Judge: Vojislav Al Daghistani (Serbia) Valeska Fun`N`Fancy – intermediate class – exc/1, BM-3, EE CAC

International Lure Coursing Competition in Maserada sul Piave, Italy

11.11.23 Judges: Els Sienel (The Netherlands), Massimo Bottura, Enzo Cordogna (Italy) Wild Pansy Chudesna 3/9, 516 points (247 + 269) res-CACL Wild Pansy Chervona 7/9, 482 points (246 + 236) With this result Chudesna fulfiled all the requirements for the entry in working class at FCI International FCI-CACIB shows.

International dog shows in Palanga, Lithuania

22.09.2023 “Palanga Autumn´23” Judge: Benjamin Sanchez Garcia (Spain) Wild Pansy Chudesny – exc/2, BM -3 23.09.2023 “Compensa Cup`23” Judge: Jaroslaw Grunt (Poland) Wild Pansy Chudesny – BM-1, LT CAC, CACIB, BOS