National dog show in Ventspils, Latvia

27.06.04 Judge: Tamara Sarmont (Belarus) Haldjas Elrohir  –  junior class, exc/1, JBOB, Junior BIG – 3 Exlibris Canes Levitan Veliky  –  open class, exc/2

Hunting trails in Kursk region, Russia

20.11.-02.12.2003 It was our wonderful and interesting trip to the hunting trials of sighthounds on a free animal (hare), that took place in the hunting area of the Kursk region, Russia. Exlibris Canes Levitan Veliky (Leo) did a great job and showed very good result – 74 points / II hare.

National dog show in St.Petersburg, Russia

22.11.03 Judge: Elena Fedorenko (Russia) Haldjas Elrohir  –  junior class, exc/1, RU JCAC, J BOB Exlibris Canes Levitan Veliky  –  intermediate class,  exc/1

International dog show in Tartu, Estonia

08.11.03 Judge: Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen (Finland) Haldjas Elrohir  –  junior class,  exc/1, EE JCAC, JBOB Exlibris Canes Levitan Veliky  –  open class, vg/2